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Hi, Bill here.
In May we went to Flagstaff to see the trees bloom and walk the Rio Flag urban trail.
The city is at over 8,000 ft and dominated by the San Francisco Peaks which are the worn base of an ancient stratospheric volcano much like Mons Olympus on Mars.
They are called the San Francisco Peaks but they have many native names, depending on the tribe.
[next scene] I’ve never liked the Anglo or even Spanish settler names for mountains. I think the native names are always the best. The peaks have several names depending on the tribe. Which one would you choose?
[Next scene] [Trails] The City of Flagstaff has an extensive urban trail system.
[→] The trail we took followed the Rio Flag. The area around the mountain has no permanent running streams since all moisture sinks into the porous volcanic soil. It is a riparian area with intermittent water. Here is a community garden along the way.
[→] The trail goes through a large park that has a nice man-made lake.
[→] At over 8,000 ft, Aspens grow in the city.
[→4] The neighborhoods have backyards facing the trail.
[→ 2] Spring comes to Flag sometime between the middle of April and the middle of May. In addition, the blooming of the flowers and the blooming of the trees can occur at different times. We have been here during both blooms, during flowers only, and once when the flowers had finished blooming and but the trees had not started. This year the trees were in full bloom but the flowers had finished.
[→] Pussy willow. Salix sps. Maybe Salix discolor
[→] Fern bush. Chamaebatiaria millefolium
[→] Fremont Barberry. Berberis fremontii. A native.
[→ 2] Common Lilac Syringa vulgaris
[→ 17] Flowering Crab Apple Malus sps. Crab Apple trees were planted all over Flagstaff in the 1950s. Colors range from pure white to almost pure1 red. The buds almost always have some red in them so there is a range of colors.
[→ 9] Ceanothus leucodermis. Ceanothus is a genus with many species. They are all over California but seldom like the large trees seen here.
[next scene] Thank you for watching. Flagstaff is a beautiful city, especially in the spring.
[next scene] For more videos and articles please go to my blog. Take care.
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Jazz. Old Jazz Party CD 042. Accessed June 6, 2021. http://archive.org/details/AbbiHbnerSLowDownWizardsAlbertNicholas--NobodyKnowsYouwhenYoureDownAndOut.